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As the debate over gun (firearms) control  and Second amendment rights to bear arms continues, again we see each side courting favor for support in the media. While there may be some validity in each side’s argument. Neither  of    them seem to be able to just shut down the rhetoric and make some effort towards an accord or some reasonable decisions. This seems to be an abstract concept as they are apparently not interested in a balanced solution. While professing to   speak for all americans (firearm owners or not) The NRA has maintained their hardline against certain types of firearms being regulated. This hardline is where some members (if they will admit it) deviate from the organizations mainline. Nobody wants to regulated by government but if we face the facts, without some government oversight and regulation we would be in deeper trouble than we are now. Ours while not perfect is still a model of  government that works, the downside is that we have come to rely on elected officials who are only human and prone to mistakes as we all are. It is within our ability as citizens to demand proper laws that will hopefully reduce the chance of these types of firearm incidents occurring with or without the NRA’s support. This is not a slam on the NRA but more a question as to what the NRA could be doing to help reduce the chance of these incidents occurring again. We already know that some of our Congress members have been reluctant in enacting or altering any firearms laws but sometime the “bullet has to be bitten” for things to get better.