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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the Health Home Medicaid State Plan Option authorized under Section 1945 of the Social Security Act.  The information is posted to the Health Home (HH) Information Resource Center webpage on  In addition to the FAQs, other new documents have been added that include: HH Map; HH Fact Sheet; HH State Plan Amendment (SPA) Overview by state; and a List of Chronic Conditions Targeted by approved HH States.

The above paragraph is the simplest one of thousands that make up the CMS arm of the government Medicare and Medicaid programs. If you look into the programs and the various links you will quickly see why you need an attorney or a knowledgeable advocate to negotiate the regulations in order to get the health care you require. Would it not make sense to have this information published in terms that most people can understand? Is it possible that the information is made to be obtuse so that it is unusable and frustrating to the people who need it the most? What if there were no advocates available to navigate the waters and mine fields of government paperwork? All of us at some point will fall to the paperwork of Government (that is after a law requiring paperwork reduction commonly called :PRA of 1995. If you look this act up you will see that even the explanation of the act is quite an eyeful and a bit of a slog to get through. What we have here is ” a failure to communicate!”. While another act that simplifies the simplification which would actually reduce the paperwork , that will not happen as long as we have the type of Congressional representatives who are less interested in our well being than their own. It is in our best interests to pay attention to everything spoken by these Seat fillers as what they say and what they do are not the same, by extension not always good for us.

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