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Daily Archives: October 9th, 2016

True or not, the simple statements below are indicative of the Presidential office seeker and points out that the Presidency is what it’s always been a power trip but used well in most cases and poorly in others. All cases have long range effects on all of us. We still have to keep an eye on the Congress who can and have screwed up many a good ideas . MA

Rapper Tupac Shakur once discussed Donald Trump in an extended rant on capitalism for a 1992 MTV interview that reportedly never aired.
In the eight-minute interview — which was the rapper’s “first MTV interview as a solo artist,” according to the video — Shakur contrasts his underprivileged upbringing with the privileged world of “family heirlooms” and capitalist empires.
“When you born, usually, you’re born into a dynasty or an empire,” Shakur said. “You’re born, like, as a junior or following in your father’s footsteps.”
Then, around the video’s five-minute mark, he speaks about Donald Trump and his business:
“You want to be successful — you want to be like Trump? Gimme, gimme, gimme. Push, push, push. Step, step, step. Crush, crush, crush. That’s how it all is. Nobody ever stops,” Shakur said, describing what he sees as the selfish forces of capitalism.
The video, which now has over a million views, was uploaded to YouTube in February 2010.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, MTV was “unable to confirm whether the video ever aired” on the channel.

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Many organizations with as many smaller sects are encouraging people to vote a certain way however the real issue should be proper education on all of the issues. These issues are beyond the rhetoric and by extension beyond this election. The smaller elections where Congressional representatives are elected are the biggest issue. We all hear the constant yammering of who is the best choice and the sound bites, buzzwords and snippets designed to excite the voters yet say nothing of substance. An educated electorate is the key to good government, not single issues that apply to some of the people. The way to better government is a long range overall view of all issues no matter who it specifically influences. What effects one group has an impact on all of us sooner or later. As voters we need to broaden our vision of the issues and vote according the effect on all of us for now and in the future. Keep in mind many of our Congressional reps have been in office too long for our own good. Listening to recent interviews with supporters of candidates shows the many people who will be voting are under informed and have one (1) single issue in mind when pressed for reasons they will vote for their favored candidate. These single issues cannot be addressed in a vacuum since they are just a piece of a larger puzzle which like any puzzle needs all of the pieces to make a complete picture. It is of little consequence that you like or dislike a candidate (popularity is over rated) but more that you know more about them in the context of what they may or may not bring to the office.

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There has been endless opinions on how the conflicts in the middle east should be handled. There are many pros and cons but the reality seems to be elusive. To begin with we should not have been looking for unsubstantiated WMD’s (thanks Dick Cheney) as there were none. Libya’s strongman (Gadhafi) was the glue holding things together no matter how awful he was. His attack on the other middle east countries were all for reasons  relating to the oil business that they were all in together and separately. The religious part was just another piece of the puzzle and has continued even now and will until the various sects decide that their religious beliefs are not as different as they appear (kind of like either or eyether). In this country we have as many sects as anywhere else, guess how many types of Protestants we have? The idea of ISIS, ISIL or Daesh being a threat to us is real but remote since they are busy killing themselves off. Our job is to protect our citizens abroad and any allies we can. If we want to end the conflict we could as Ted Cruz stated ” bomb them into oblivion” but taking the innocent citizens of those areas along with the miscreants. There are many folks who are disaffected and at odds with their faith here and in the conflict area so they join these radical groups as a survival mechanism directly and remotely. The remote joiners are who we have experienced here. We have our own radicals who are just as disaffected and we have our own radical leader who is a front runner for the Presidency of the United States. His entry into the race along with his success is probably more of a surprise to him and the party backing him (reluctantly) has allowed the  worst of us (America) to crawl out from the shadows and expose that dark side to the world and Americans who were sure it no longer existed. This election as many before is vicious and nasty containing more lies than substance while creating a divide that will be hard to close unless WE ALL! forget that there actually are no Americans unless we forget about labeling one another as Black, White, Indian, Native American, Irish, Mexican, Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical. All of these labels are dangerous and hurtful. When we start leaving the labels on products and not on people we may just become what the founders hoped for. We must keep in mind that one threat that could hurt us is Russia, President Putin is bent on recreating a Russian state like Stalin’s and will sacrifice as many of his people as he needs to get there no matter what the UN says. It was a normal day in the early 1930’s when Adolf Hitler began his rise and convinced the people that their troubles were caused by Jewish banking and business, much like the South and slavery. Have we not reached a point where what matters is the character of our people rather than religious affiliation and skin tone? If not we had better soon get there and learn the truth by reading and getting facts not the fiction of some news outlets, pundits and out 535 seat fillers. WE the people are our own salvation but only in unity.

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